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Monday, January 18, 2016

Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning

This is one of my LEARNING GOALS.  Struggling with engaging students into topics and classwork is hard. Differentiation and PBL can actually work together.

I have been trying lots of strategies and yet, I have not found one that I can say it is the best. But definitely PBL works. I created a lesson plan for a Performance Task with my 7th graders and included a differentiation component.

As the article states, by "giving students a voice" the engaging process and at the same time the learning environment changes.  Therefore, I decided to come up with a "MENU project on History of Nuevo Leon" Students were able to choose what they wanted to use to show and apply their knowledge and understanding about a sub topic.

I made a menu and a checklist that included what each project or item should contain to exceed expectations. I also handed them a rubric with the grading criteria.

This was something that I really enjoyed because they had the chance to be creative and also choose what suited them best.

For this reason I will continue looking for options and research articles about PBL because it WORKS!!!!!

I am sharing with you a copy of the Menu project, so you all can have an idea.

This site is really useful: 6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning: Blogger Andrew Miller offers six simple, effective approaches to differentiated instruction in project-based learning.

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